Kami-Sama No Negaigoto

Kami-Sama No Negaigoto


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College students, Takehide and Yuuta, have been roommates for a couple of years now. They've enjoyed each other's company and cohabiting has been smooth sailing so far. Then, out of the blue, Takehide confesses his feelings for Yuuta. All Yuuta could think of was, "I always saw you as my friend. Was that not good enough for you?" As Yuuta dwells on the confession in the park, a Shisa (statue wards that protect one from evil spirits) is given to him by a mysterious man. If that incident wasn't odd enough, the Shisa asks for both Takehide and Yuuta's help to find his pair (Shisa are placed together in pairs.) Through the ventures of finding this Shisa his pair, the two roommates also go on the endeavor of realizing each other's feelings.

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